I was very pleased with the attention to detail when our son moved in regarding the accessibility. Staffing is great – they all handle personal care needs very well.
"I was very pleased with the attention to detail"
The house is always well presented – I am always made to feel welcome, and find that you have an open and honest approach. I am impressed with the work that you have done to help our son settle into his new home.
"The house is always well presented"
Well done to everyone who has contributed to this success story.
"A Success Story"
Residents are happy and comfortable. They receive support in a wide range of community-based activities.
"Residents are happy and comfortable"
Even when our call was unexpected we were made to feel welcome. Whenever visiting my daughter she is happy and well cared for.
"My daughter is happy and well cared for"
Our son is more content than he has ever been since leaving home, 17 years ago.
"Our son is more content than ever"
Our son is wonderfully looked after and is clearly flourishing; we particularly appreciate the positive view that is taken of his actual contribution to the community rather than perpetually treating him as a ‘problem’.
"Our son is wonderfully looked after"
As a Care Manager I am not in a position to recommend Homes Together, however I felt that I should write to let you know that the service you provide is very good indeed.
"The service you provide is very good"
We can’t think of any particular ways in which the exemplary service of Caxton Lodge could be improved for our son.
"Could not be improved for our son"
Want to know more?
Our team are always here to help. Please get in touch if you have any questions or want more information.