Homes Together

Staying Connected


Stay connected

Homes Together appreciates that being away from home can be a distressing time, particularly for family and friends.

We believe in the importance of staying connected with loved ones, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of service users. That’s why we understand that visiting our sites regularly may not always be possible and we have a number of solutions to bridge the distance gap.

Social media is an easy and convenient way for families to stay in touch and receive updates on their loved ones’ progress, as well as any activities they’ve been involved in. You can rest assured that all service users’ accounts are private and can only be viewed by authorised family members.

If you’re looking for an even more personal touch, we’ve got you covered with facilitated video-calling. This allows you to see and talk to your loved one in real time, no matter where you are in the world. Plus, some service users are able to use email on their own computers, making communication even more accessible.

At all our services, we understand that family and friends connections are paramount to overall well-being, and we are dedicated to providing the necessary tools to keep those connections strong.